Specification and Model-checking of the ZKsync Governance Protocol
Specification and model checking of BFT consensus by Matter Labs
The Rise of Model Checker: Verifying Blockchain Monitors In and Near Realtime (Solarkraft #5)
The Force Awakens: Hybrid Blockchain Runtime Monitors (Solarkraft #4)
How to Run Solarkraft (Solarkraft #3)
Guardians of the Blockchain: Small and Modular Runtime Monitors in TLA+ for Soroban Smart Contracts (Solarkraft #2)
A New Hope – Why Smart Contract Bugs Matter and How Runtime Monitoring Saves the Day (Solarkraft #1)
Is it a high: What are your protocol properties?
TLA+ cheatsheet in Markdown
You should not care about memory in protocol specifications
Thinking about a random number generator: Part 3
Thinking about a random number generator: Part 2
Thinking about a random number generator: Part 1