1. Introduction

It has been a while, since I wrote to this blog. I was not just chilling these months though :mountain_bicyclist:. My friends and I have received funding from the Stellar Foundation to develop Solarkraft. More funding is in on the way :yum:. We also have been looking for bugs in Web3 protocols at Code4rena and Sherlock, individually as well as in the team called CodeWasp. Although we are still aiming at discovering a magic recipe to finding high-rewarding bugs, we had a few successes already such as getting the first places in the UniStaker Infrastructure and Mento, among other findings in the recent months.

One immediate observation about the Web3 contests is that not every valid finding guarantees a payout at the competition platforms. These platforms go in detail about what is considered the most precious finding, that is a “high” or a “medium”. For example, see Code4rena Severity Categorization and Sherlock’s Criteria for Issue Validity. In addition to that, Code4rena Incentive Model and Awards incentivizes security researchers to find unique issues. That is why a perfectly fine High, which would be a big win in a traditional security audit, may easily result in a payout of $0.12 in a security contest :flushed:

At the end of the day, even given all the guidelines, the contest sponsors and the judges have to figure out which findings are worth rewarding. In this blog post I would like to step away from the discussions about the human subjectivity in the contests. The question I have been asking myself for some time:

Is it even possible to formally specify highs and mediums for some protocols?

Let’s try. After all, bugs were not invented by blockchain engineers. Researchers in Formal Verification have been preoccupied with similar questions for decades. For example, Temporal Specification Patterns classify properties of concurrent and reactive systems.

Here are the shortest introductory definitions from Code4rena Severity Categorization:

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

3 — High: Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly (or indirectly if there is a valid attack path that does not have hand-wavy hypotheticals).

2. Abstract DeFi Protocol

Since Mediums and Highs involve a protocol, we need a protocol to talk about. At this point, a security researcher would typically choose one of the two approaches:

  1. Point to a concrete protocol, e.g., a smart contract in Solidity.

  2. Present the idea of a protocol in English, perhaps, adding a bit of math notation on top of it.

Instead of following one of the above approaches, I am following the third approach, which is much more powerful, even though less common. I am using Temporal Logic of Actions, or TLA+, which was designed exactly for Specifying Systems. I am not going to explain TLA+ in this blog post. There are plenty of resources out there, including Learn TLA by Hillel Wayne. If you want to quickly recall the syntax of TLA+, check my TLA+ cheatsheet.

What do most of the DeFi protocols have in common? Well, they move tokens from and to various addresses. For instance, many Ethereum contracts creatively manipulate with ETH. This is what we distill into a very abstract specification of a DeFi protocol in TLA+1:

Source: AbstractDeFi.tla

------ MODULE AbstractDeFi ------
EXTENDS Integers

    \* A set of account addresses.
    \* @type: Set(Str);
    \* A set of token amounts.
    \* @type: Set(Int);
    \* Initial supply of tokens for all addresses.
    \* @type: Str -> Int;

    \* Balances for one kind of a token, e.g., ETH.
    \* @type: Str -> Int;

\* Negative and positive updates to the token amounts
Deltas ≜ AMOUNTS ∪ { -i: i ∈ AMOUNTS}

\* Protocol initialization, e.g., contract instantiation
Init ≜
    balances = INITIAL_SUPPLY

\* An abstract transfer between multiple accounts.
\* @type: (Str -> Int) => Bool;
Update(deltas) ≜
    \* update the balances
    LET newBalances ≜ [ a ∈ ADDR ↦ balances[a] + deltas[a] ] IN 
    ∧ ∀ a ∈ ADDR: newBalances[a] ∈ AMOUNTS
    ∧ balances' = newBalances
    \* A concrete protocol would have plenty of other constraints.
    \* However, we are not interested in these details.

\* A single protocol step, e.g., a public function of a smart contract
Next ≜
    ∃ deltas ∈ [ ADDR → Deltas ]:

What does AbstractDeFi actually specify? Well, we have a state machine, that keeps track of token balances for every address from the set ADDR. Initially, the balances are set to INITIAL_SUPPLY, e.g., we could give all the tokens to the contract owner. At every step, the balance of each account a ∈ ADDR is updated by some delta from deltas[a]. If you think about it, many DeFi protocols fit into this description. For example, the famous ERC20 token standard is concerned with transferring tokens, and, optionally, minting and burning them.

If you wonder about ADDR, AMOUNTS, and INITIAL_SUPPLY, check how we set them up in a specification instance:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* a few addresses for illustration purposes
ADDR == { "alice", "bob", "eve", "contract", "investor", "owner", "0x0" }
\* a small range of amounts
AMOUNTS ≜ 0‥100
\* only the owner gets tokens initially
INITIAL_SUPPLY ≜ [ a ∈ ADDR ↦ IF a = "owner" THEN 100 ELSE 0 ]

Our protocol specification is quite generic, perhaps, even too generic. Like in real protocols, multiple accounts may be updated in a single step (e.g., in a single blockchain transaction), e.g., by updating contract balances, burning gas, transferring protocol fees, etc. We could make our abstract protocol even more general by maintaing balances for multiple token types. To keep things simple, we will restrict the protocol to one token type though.

By writing this abstract protocol, we have introduced a crucial assumption:

All changes to balances are made via AbstractDeFi.

If we compare AbstractDeFi with an arbitrary smart contract in DeFi, we will immediately notice that AbstractDeFi is quite permissive in comparison to the actual contract. Indeed, this is why we call our specification “abstract”. It does allow for many behaviors that are ruled out in actual protocols. Yet, our specification is useful, as it lets us capture interesting behaviors without going into unnecessary details.

3. Formalizing Highs

Now that we have given a bit of shape to our DeFi protocol, how do we specify a High? When I started to think about that, I realized that there is probably no one “good” way of specifying all kinds of highs. Hence, we will go over a series of various highs, starting with the most dangerous ones.

3.1. Draining All Tokens

Let’s start with specifying the most obvious, the most evil, behavior :smiling_imp:. Every now and then, we see protocols where an attacker is able to drain all tokens from the protocol. Following the tradition, we would say that the attacker is called Eve. To express this property, we simply write the following State Invariant:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* A state invariant that specifies that there is no way to drain all tokens:
\* It's never the case that Eve (the attacker) gets all the tokens.
DrainAllInv ≜                                                               
    ∃ a ∈ ADDR \ { "eve" }:
        balances[a] > 0

The invariant DrainAllInv says that there is at least one address with a non-negative balance, and this address is different from "eve", the attacker.

This all sounds too abstract. Can we have an example? Yep. I simply run the model checker Apalache to produce a behavior that violates DrainAllInv. Here is one example that Apalache gave to me:

owner contract eve alice bob investor
100 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 22 0 0 0

(To tell you the truth, Apalache gave me an example in TLA+, but ChatGPT was quite helpful in transforming it to the above markdown table.)

If you are a security researcher and you find a behavior like the one above in a security contest, that’s definitely a big win for you. Collect the reward and enjoy your life :palm_tree: Or, maybe not, if 200 other participants have found the same issue :scream:. Of course, such findings are rare. They would demonstrate a catastrophic flaw in the protocol. Sometimes, this is caused by incorrectly set permissions, e.g., see Decent721 (my first :dollar:). Also, the model checker was lazy and gaves us an example, where the funds were drained in a single step, while a large part of it was burnt. In real life, an attacker would typically drain funds via multiple transactions.

Let’s go back to the Code4rena classification of a high:

3 — High: Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly (or indirectly if there is a valid attack path that does not have hand-wavy hypotheticals).

Our invariant DrainAllInv specifies the case of assets being stolen. Even more, it specifies the case of all assets being stolen. We revisit this property later.

3.2. Burning Tokens

We have seen an example of tokens being stolen. How about tokens being lost? Let’s write a state invariant that tells us that it should not be possible to burn all the tokens:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* A state invariant that specifies that all tokens cannot be burnt.
BurnAllInv ≜
    ∃ a ∈ ADDR:
        balances[a] > 0

We run the model checker and it gives us an example of a behavior that violates BurnAllInv:

owner contract eve alice bob investor
100 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0

Accounting for dust. To be fair, it seems to be almost impossible that a protocol burns all of the tokens down to zero. Typically, some dust amounts would be left on the accounts. It is easy to modify BurnAllInv to account for dust amounts. Say, the amounts below 5 are considered to be dust:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* A state invariant that specifies that all tokens cannot be burnt.
\* This invariant considers the amounts below 5 to be dust.
BurnAllButDustInv ≜
    ∃ a ∈ ADDR:
        balances[a] >= 5

We run the model checker again. This time, to check BurnAllButDustInv:

owner contract eve alice bob investor
100 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 4 4 1 2

The model checker produces a somewhat bizarre example: Dust amounts were spread over five accounts, though it is still well below the initial supply. This behavior still follows the AbstractDeFi specification. Perhaps, there are protocols like that in the wild?

Burning some tokens. Okay, we can specify what it means to burn all or almost all of the tokens. How often does that happen? Similar to the case of DrainAllInv, it should be a rare finding. How about not burning all the tokens, but burning some of the initial supply? This is what we specify with BurnSomeInv below:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* A state invariant that specifies that the balances should not go
\* below the initial supply.
BurnSomeInv ≜
    LET AddInitial(sum, addr) ≜ sum + INITIAL_SUPPLY[addr]
        AddCurrent(sum, addr) ≜ sum + balances[addr]
        initialTotal ≜ ApaFoldSet(AddInitial, 0, ADDR)
        currentTotal ≜ ApaFoldSet(AddCurrent, 0, ADDR)
    currentTotal ≥ initialTotal

Even though BurnSomeInv looks a bit more complex than BurnAllInv, there is not much happening. We simply sum over the initial balances and the current balances, then compare the sums. The model checker gives us an example that violates BurnSomeInv:

owner contract eve alice bob investor
100 0 0 0 0 0
99 0 0 0 0 0

Economic feasibility. Whereas the above example looks valid, it would be hard to get a valid high finding out of that. Why? Logically speaking, it demonstrates a bug. However, we should not forget that DeFi deals with finances instead of perfect logic. Most likely, the above behavior would be rejected as a non-finding with a verdict of being “economically infeasible”. The reason is that the attacker would have to burn gas to run this attack. If it costs the attacker more in gas to run the attack than they would benefit from it, e.g., from the token prices going down, then this attack would not be considered economically feasible.

The bad news is that the model checker has no idea about finances and what is feasible or not. The good news is that it is up to us to tell it what it means. For example, we could say that burning over 50% of the initial funds is not good, for sure:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* A state invariant that specifies that the balances should not go
\* significantly below the initial supply.
BurnHalfInv ≜
    LET AddInitial(sum, addr) ≜ sum + INITIAL_SUPPLY[addr]
        AddCurrent(sum, addr) ≜ sum + balances[addr]
        initialTotal ≜ ApaFoldSet(AddInitial, 0, ADDR)
        currentTotal ≜ ApaFoldSet(AddCurrent, 0, ADDR)
    currentTotal ≥ initialTotal ÷ 2

This time, the model checker produces the following example:

owner contract eve alice bob investor
100 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 4 1 0 34

Again, the model checker has scattered the balances over various accounts, since this is allowed. What is important, the example shows that over a half of the tokens have disappeared, as we requested.

OK. We have considered many ways to burn tokens. Are we done with losing tokens? Not yet. There is one more curious way to lose tokens.

3.3. Transferring Tokens to an Uncontrolled Address

Another way to lose tokens is by transferring them to an address that no one can control. Perhaps, the most famous example of this is transferring tokens to the address 0x0...0 in Ethereum, see Transfer to zero address. In 2024, it’s virtually impossible to get a reward for finding a transfer to 0x0....0, though locking funds in a smart contract can still be a valid finding.

It is easy to specify that a designated address should not receive tokens:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* A state invariant: no transfer to zero should ever happen.
LockingInZeroInv ≜
    balances["0x0"] = 0

Again, the model checker is ready to give us a counterexample to LockingInZeroInv:

owner contract eve alice bob investor 0x0
100 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 2 0 0 0 61 29

Here we are. The address 0x0 has the balance of 29, and there is no way to recover these tokens.

If you look at the example carefully, no tokens were burnt or minted. The token supply happens to be the same. I have asked the model checker to do it on purpose by using the definition NextPreserving instead of Next:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* The next step that preserves the total supply.
\* Use NextPreserving instead of Next, when you do not want to see the          
\* examples of burning and minting.
NextPreserving ≜
    ∧ Next
    ∧ LET AddBefore(sum, addr) ≜ sum + balances[addr]
          AddAfter(sum, addr) ≜ sum + balances'[addr]
          totalBefore ≜ ApaFoldSet(AddBefore, 0, ADDR)
          totalAfter ≜ ApaFoldSet(AddAfter, 0, ADDR)
      totalBefore = totalAfter

3.4. Minting Tokens

Surprisingly, we are still not done exploring the ways for Eve getting rich according to the “law of the code”. Assume that we forbid our protocol to decrease the balances on all accounts. We can easily write a restricted form of Next, similar to NextPreserving:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* The next step that does not allow the total supply decrease.
\* Use NonDecreasing instead of Next, when you do not want to see the
\* examples of burning.
NextNonDecreasing ≜
    ∧ Next
    ∧ ∀ addr ∈ ADDR:
        balances'[addr] ≥ balances[addr]

Further, we write an Action Invariant for Eve:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* An action invariant: Eve cannot increase her balance.
EveNoBalanceIncreaseInv ≜
    balances'["eve"] ≤ balances["eve"]

Obviously, the model checker produces an example of minting tokens:

owner contract eve alice bob investor 0x0
100 0 0 0 0 0 0
100 61 67 1 80 98 29

Our abstract DeFi protocol has generously minted tokens to everyone, including Eve.

4. Bullet-Proof Protocol?

Having restricted our protocol with NextPreserving and NextNonDecreasing in the previous sections, we may be tempted to combine both of these two constraints like this:

Source: MC_AbstractDeFi.tla

\* a combination of the above two transition relations
NextPreservingAndNonDecreasing ≜
    NextPreserving ∧ NextNonDecreasing

Interestingly, the model checker does not find a counterexample to all invariants that we have written so far. Is it a perfect bullet-proof protocol? Kind of. If we look carefully at the constraints in NextPreservingAndNonDecreasing, we will see that this protocol is doing absolutely nothing useful. It starts with the initial supply and never changes the balances.

5. Refining the Abstract DeFi Protocol

So far we have seen more or less obvious effects of a DeFi attack, even though the underlying protocol could be quite complex. It does not always happen that an attacker steals or burns almost all tokens. Even if they steal, say, 5% of the total value locked, then they may be well off.

How can we specify such an attack? Intuitively, Eve has to extract more value from the protocol than she invested. To this end, we have to keep track of how much Eve has sent to the protocol and received from it. Unfortunately, our AbstractDeFi protocol is too abstract for this purpose. We cannot even distinguish between depositing, withdrawing, and other protocol actions. Hence, we refine AbstractDeFi into AbstractDeFi2:

Source: AbstractDeFi2.tla

------ MODULE AbstractDeFi2 ------
EXTENDS Integers

    \* A set of account addresses.
    \* @type: Set(Str);
    \* Externally owned addresses.
    \* @type: Set(Str);
    \* A set of token amounts.
    \* @type: Set(Int);
    \* Initial supply of tokens for all addresses.
    \* @type: Str -> Int;


    \* Balances for one kind of a token, e.g., ETH.
    \* @type: Str -> Int;
    \* Amounts that were deposited.
    \* @type: Str -> Int;
    \* Amounts that were withdrawn.
    \* @type: Str -> Int;

\* Negative and positive updates to the token amounts
Deltas ≜ AMOUNTS ∪ { -i: i ∈ AMOUNTS}

\* Protocol initialization, e.g., contract instantiation
Init ≜
    ∧ balances = INITIAL_SUPPLY
    ∧ amountsIn = INITIAL_SUPPLY
    ∧ amountsOut = [ a ∈ ADDR ↦ 0 ]

\* An abstract transfer between multiple accounts.
\* @type: (Str -> Int) => Bool;
Update(deltas) ≜
    \* update the balances
    LET newBalances ≜ [ a ∈ ADDR ↦ balances[a] + deltas[a] ] IN 
    ∧ ∀ a ∈ ADDR: newBalances[a] ∈ AMOUNTS
    ∧ balances' = newBalances
    ∧ UNCHANGED ⟨amountsIn, amountsOut⟩
    \* A concrete protocol would have plenty of other constraints.
    \* However, we are not interested in these details.

\* An abstract deposit.
\* @type: (Str, Int) => Bool;
Deposit(sender, amount) ≜
    ∧ balances[sender] + amount ∈ AMOUNTS
    ∧ balances' = [ balances EXCEPT ![sender] = @ + amount ]
    ∧ amountsIn' = [ amountsIn EXCEPT ![sender] = @ + amount ]
    ∧ UNCHANGED amountsOut

\* An abstract withdrawal.
\* @type: (Str, Int) => Bool;
Withdraw(sender, amount) ≜
    ∧ balances[sender] - amount ∈ AMOUNTS
    ∧ balances' = [ balances EXCEPT ![sender] = @ - amount ]
    ∧ amountsOut' = [ amountsOut EXCEPT ![sender] = @ + amount ]
    ∧ UNCHANGED amountsIn

\* A single protocol step, e.g., a public function of a smart contract
Next ≜
    ∨ ∃ deltas ∈ [ ADDR → Deltas ]:
    ∨ ∃ sender ∈ EOA, amount ∈ AMOUNTS:
        ∨ Deposit(sender, amount)
        ∨ Withdraw(sender, amount)

The specification AbstractDeFi2 extends AbstractDeFi as follows:

  • In addition to the constant ADDR, it has EOA for externally-owned addresses.

  • In addition to the state variable balances, it has state variables amountsIn and amountsOut

  • In addition to the action Update, it has two more actions: Deposit and Withdraw.

We also introduce a model-checking instance MC_AbstractDeFi2.tla.

6. Refining Draining Attacks

Let’s see how we could formalize more refined attacks, not just “drain it all”.

6.1. Naive Invariant

Now that we have amountsIn and amountsOut, we can think about detecting a state, where Eve exhibits malicious activity. Our first attempt is somewhat naive. We state that it should be impossible for Eve to generate more than 50% on top of what she has deposited.

\* A naive invariant: Eve cannot extract more than 150.00% of her deposit from the protocol
WithdrawCappedInv ≜
    amountsIn["eve"] > 0 ⇒ (amountsOut["eve"] ≤ (15000 * amountsIn["eve"]) ÷ 10000)

Since our abstract protocol is virtually unrestricted in what kind of updates it permits, the model checker quickly finds a counterexample to WithdrawCappedInv:

State amountsIn["eve"] balances["eve"] amountsOut["eve"]
0. 0 0 0
1. 0 64 0
2. 0 62 2
3. 1 63 2

The invariant WithdrawCappedInv is violated in the third state, as Eve deposited 1 token (in the third state), whereas she withdrew 2 tokens (in the second state). If we look carefully at the above example, we will see that this behavior is different from what we expected. Indeed, Eve has the following values in the second state:

  amountsIn["eve"] = 0 ∧ amountsOut["eve"] = 2

The above example demonstrates a strange behavior, where Eve could withdraw 2 tokens without depositing anything. On one hand, it could probably demonstrate a bug in a real protocol. On the other hand, Eve could receive rewards such as protocol fees, which could explain this behavior.

Can we write a property that actually connects deposited tokens and withdrawn tokens?

6.2. Less Naive Safety Property

Intuitively, we would like to say something like that:

Whenever Eve deposits a positive amount, she cannot withdraw over 150% of this amount.

This sounds like a temporal relation between deposits and withdrawals. Good that we are using Temporal Logic of Actions! In TLA+, we can easily write this property as LimitedDeposit:

\* A safety property: Eve's withdrawals are limited with her deposits.
CappedWithdrawal ≜
    □((amountsIn["eve"] > amountsOut["eve"])
         ⇒ □(amountsOut["eve"] ≤ (15000 * amountsIn["eve"]) ÷ 10000))

The symbol stands for “always”, and is classical implication, that is, A ⇒ B is equivalent to ¬A ∨ B. When we check this property against MC_AbstractDeFi2.tla, the model checker produces a counterexample, e.g.:

State amountsIn["eve"] balances["eve"] amountsOut["eve"]
0. 0 0 0
1. 5 5 0
2. 5 42 0
3. 5 26 16

If we find a behavior like the one above in a real protocol, this may clearly demonstrate an issue.

6.3. Increasing Rewards with Time

Whereas the protocol behavior in the previous section could demonstrate a draining attack in one protocol, it could be seen as a false positive in another protocol. Indeed, our safety property CappedWithdrawal restricts all withdrawals at 150% of the deposits. For example, it does not seem to be realistic in a staking protocol, where depositors may collect higher rewards in several years.

When we have to express more fine-grained protocol properties like staking rewards, we have to introduce the notion of time in the protocol. This usually needs consensus block numbers or timestamps. Further, we have to account for the periods of time when certain amounts are staked, and we have to constrain the withdrawals with the potential rewards.

It’s possible to further refine our abstract DeFi protocol. However, this blog post is too long already. If you are interested in seeing such properties, let me know.

7. Centralization Risks

So far, we have been seeing behaviors, in which Eve was obtaining or destroying tokens. Since we have not specified details of the actual protocol, we implicitly assumed that all the behaviors involved the actions by Eve. However, it often happens that an attacker can perform their actions only after the protocol adminstrator – usually, the protocol owner – has performed specific actions.

This is where subtle issues appear. In principle, the protocol owner could simply steal all the tokens or destroy the protocol contracts. If the protocol owner is a single externally-owned account (EOA), then the protocol has a single point of failure, namely, the protocol owner. This is why people say that such protocols have the risk of centralization, even though the rest of their operations are decentralized. Technically, the protocol owner does not have to be a single EOA. Instead, it could be a proxy contract that requires multiple signatures (multisig) for every transaction. Still, when this multisig contract requires only a few signatures, it can be considered centralized.

Since the protocol owner has so much power, centralization risks usually lead to no reward. However, sometimes the protocol owner may unlock absolutely valid protocol features that are exploited by an attacker later. We would have to further refine abstract DeFi protocol to account for roles. To start with, we would partition the protocol actions according to the roles that are required to execute them. For instance, in Solidity, owner-only external functions usually come with the modifier onlyOwner. Such a refinement is out of scope for this blog post.

8. Conclusions

We have looked into the most common behaviors that could indicate an attack leading to a potentially “High” finding. I am pretty sure that there are still plenty of findings on Solodit that would need more fine-grained specifications of the properties and of the protocols. Nevertheless, I believe that thinking about protocols and their properties in terms of state machines is extremely useful, for the following reasons:

  1. We move away from extremely ambiguous descriptions in natural language to precise descriptions in a formal language that is designed for this purpose. I have been using TLA+ in this blog post, since I am most comfortable with the language and its tooling. Obviously, having been developing Apalache for over than seven years, I know how to express properties in such a way that it works the best for the human reader and the model checker. I could have used Quint instead of TLA+ and it would not make much of a difference for this blog post. I just felt that the more mathematical syntax of TLA+ would suit this level of abstraction more naturally.

  2. We can use tools to produce positive examples that would aid us in understanding the properties better. As we have seen in the blog post, the tools are extremely helpful in findind counterexamples, that is, demonstrating the cases when the properties are violated. I have been using Apalache. Actually, we could find similar issues with TLC, though it could take longer. Alternatively, we could express our abstract protocols in Solidity and use a fuzzer such as Medusa to produce examples. However, when using a fuzzer, we would not be able to conclude that certain invariants could not be violated.

  3. When we start thinking about protocols and their properties in terms of state machines, we can rely upon the decades of research in computer-aided verification and model checking. We do not have to reinvent from scratch the techniques that are written in thousands of pages in Handbook of Model Checking and Principles of Model Checking.

  4. Classifying protocol properties is essential for tool development. When we see that certain properties are required by multiple protocols, we can fine-tune the tools to check these properties.

To spare you (and me!) time, I have not considered another layer of attacks, namely, availability attacks. If you are curious to see a blog post on this topic, let me know. These are the attacks that disable certain actions in a protocol. Interestingly, such attacks require reasoning about liveness of the protocol, not just its safety. This would require temporal properties instead of invariants. Sometimes, it is possible to express such properties with state invariants. This is what Apalache does internally, implementing the technique that is described in the paper called Liveness Checking as Safety Checking. These invariants are large and hard to understand for a non-expert. They would be even harder to write by hand.

If you need my help in specifying the expected properties of your protocols, be it smart contracts, consensus, or distributed systems in general, feel free to contact me. In case you disagree with my thoughts, I would like to hear from you too!

Curious to learn more about industrial applications of TLA+? Watch the latest talks from TLA+ Conference 2024.


  1. I found TLA+ specs to be more accessible in this blog post when they are written in Unicode, as produced by the tool tlauc by Andrew Helwer